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First and foremost, thank you for choosing one of the Appleton Area School District’s neighborhood schools. Our goal is to build a sense of community and trust between children, parents/guardians, and staff.
It is through the collaborative efforts of the community that we continue to grow as an organization and meet the needs of our students. Please consider joining us in achieving this goal. Your participation is encouraged and welcomed as we shape our District together.

Our schools rely on many attributes to maintain and to improve the quality of its educational programs. A supportive community, successful business partnerships, a highly qualified staff, and a dedicated Board of Education all play an essential role in educating today’s students and tomorrow’s citizens and leaders. 

However, we believe that you are your child’s first and most important teacher. Your effective communication with your child’s teacher(s) and principal is critical in building a strong partnership. We encourage you to be an active participant in your child’s learning.

Our goal is to build a relationship both with the child and with the family. We like to foster connections between the child's day at school and life at home. We invite you to share your ideas, questions and concerns with us. We hope you will visit the classroom, participate in events, volunteer and share aspects of your family life with us. 

We know that it is our relationships with our students and families that are at the foundation for new learning. So, as we work to improve our instructional practice, we are equally committed to providing a safe and welcoming school environment for all of our students.

Terror Pride Parent/Guardian Tips

Tip 1: If you are trying to get in contact with you student please contact student services or know when their off times are as to not text them in class. Do not expect an immediate response.

Tip 2: Remind your student to charge their Chromebook at night.

Tip 3: Check the Infinite Campus Portal once a week and email teachers with any concerns you may have.