Parent Teacher Conferences
This spring's Parent Teacher Conferences will be fully virtual on March 17 and March 21 from 4-7:15 p.m.
You can sign up for a slot to meet with your student's teachers using PTC Fast at this link. In PTC Fast, you first register with name and contact information. The service will then create a registration and send you a confirmation email with a link to choose your appointment times.
Virtual Conferences will be held using Google Meet. Teachers will post the link to the Google Meet Conference in an Announcement in their Canvas course. Parents and guardians can login using their students login and Chromebook.
Parents and guardians do not need to use the student device this year and can join from their own device, phone or Google Meet app.
Conference slots are meant to be 5 minutes long.
Please do not try to join earlier than your schedule time slot as teachers may be in an existing conference. Since there is a single virtual conference room, teachers will need to admit parents/guardians into the Google Meet. Please be patient as teachers finish up a conference with another parent or guardian. If your request times out, please try to join with the link again.