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Letters of Recommendation

First, be sure you need a letter of recommendation before you have someone write one as it is not always required. You MAY need a letter if:

  • If you are applying to a private school (Common Apps require it)
  • If you do not meet admission requirements
  • If you have a low ACT or SAT score
  • If you have a low GPA (grade point average)


  • DO allow individuals at least two weeks to prepare your letter.  Ample time is needed to complete your letter.  You will not want anyone to rush through something this important!
  • DO ask in person!
  • DO write a thank you note for doing this. Individuals have the right to refuse your request.
  • DON’T expect anyone to write a letter for you without filling out Personal Data Form.
  • DON’T expect anyone to write a letter for you without sufficient notice!