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Animal Club
A club for students interested in animals. Monthly meetings in room 351.
Contact: Annette Schwalenberg

Appleton LaCrosse Club
Appleton North is the host school for this club. The Appleton Lacrosse Club is an organization made up of student-athletes from the three Appleton Area School District High Schools. As a fully self-funded club, all costs are covered through player dues, sponsorships and fundraising. Lacrosse is a spring sport played from March - mid-June. For more information, visit the club's website.

Asian Heritage Club
Meetings are every other Wednesday in the LGI from 3:40-4:30 p.m.
Contact: Steve Franklin

BIPOC Caucus
The BIPOC Caucus aims to build authentic and lasting solidarity among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) that serves the safety and well-being of ALL students, in order to undo Native invisibility, anti-Blackness, dissect stereotypes, culture appropriation, and advance cultural appreciation. We envision a world without racism that honors the culture, knowledge, power, and healing of Black, Indigenous, and communities of color. We are committed to building leaders who serve West and the community of Appleton.
Contact: Kempton Freeman

Book Club
Students who enjoy reading are encouraged to participate in West's Book Club. We read and discuss approximately five books during the school year. Our book club members determine the titles we read, and members have about a month to read the book before our meeting. Members get to keep many of the books we read! Meetings are determined based on members schedules and availability.
Contact: Amy Pritzl

Participation costs are $70.00 registration fee and the cost of the uniform. Benefits include coaching, practice, separate boys and girls divisions, minimum of 10 matches, possible qualification for state tournament.
Contact: Paul Brown

The Appleton West Debate Team competes against other schools in the state. Debate is possible in three different formats. Policy debate is team debate about changing a policy such as exploring the oceans or the need for high-speed rail. A policy topic lasts all year. Public Forum debate is team debate about the facts about current events topics such as NSA spying or genetically modified food. Public forum topics change each month. Lincoln-Douglas debate is one-on-one debate about a values topic such as the justice of the minimum wage or the morality of organ transplants. Members of the Appleton West Debate Team travel to competitions located across the state and sometimes in neighboring states. They also can compete in national tournaments in such places as Memphis, Washington D.C., Ft. Lauderdale, or Dallas. We meet after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The debate season begins the end of October and runs until February.
Contact: Lisa Groff

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. DECA provides opportunities for: competition, business knowledge, interview practice, advice on speaking and test-taking, community service, travel and fun!
Contact: Courtney Pierce

Discovery Corps
The goal of Discovery Corps is to build a culture where students are heard and inspired to live in hope. Interested students apply in the beginning of the school year and attend a required training where they will learn how to use and build tools to help make Appleton West High School a place where students can speak with their peers about things going on in their lives. Discovery Corps is a training unlike any other where students become peer coaches, not therapists, empowered to help each other.
Advisors: Alyssa WestphalChristy deBoer 

Diversity Club
Contact: Sandra Wagner

Educators Rising
A club for students interested in pursuing a career in Education. The club has volunteer opportunities, career experience, guest speakers, state competitions and more.
Contact: Lauren Ott

Environmental/Garden Club
A service group that is dedicated to helping maintain the courtyard and flowerbeds on campus. In addition, members maintain the LMC plants, learn to plant vegetable and flower seeds and cuttings for our annual Mother’s Day Plant Sale and do the shopping and wrapping for those less fortunate Adopt-a-Family candidates. Meetings are during flex on the third Wednesday of the month (or see Mrs. Vanderloop in room 357).
Contact: Kathy Vanderloop and Lynn Schadrie

Equality Club
Our mission is to provide a safe and active place for students to create change in our community through conversation and action related to equality. Issues have included how to be an ally, male/female gender norms, privilege, violence/assault, socioeconomic inequality, and LGBTQ/Gender spectrum. We strive for Awareness, Advocacy, and Activism regarding issues such as these. Anyone is welcome to join our club! Meetings are two Mondays a month from 3:30 – 5:00 in room 225 and occasional Friday Flex meeting in 225.
Contact: Cassandra Lichttenegger

The Appleton West Speech and Forensics Team competes against other schools from across the state. Contestants select an event and prepare a piece to use in competition. One participates as an individual or as part of a group. Competition involves informative speech, persuasive speech, poetry reading, prose reading, radio broadcasting and dramatic or humorous monologue performances, as well as others. Appleton West is a member of the Wisconsin High School Forensic Association, and team members are motivated to qualify for State Tournament at the UW Madison. The team also is a member of national organizations and contestants could qualify for trips to Sacramento, Washington D.C., Ft. Lauderdale, or Memphis. The season begins in January and is completed in April.
Contact: Shannon Lang

Formula Racing Team
Contact: Dave Cash

History Club
History is fun! Let’s get out and “do” history as much as possible. We try to connect your history class with our local, state and national history. We take biking and walking tours, watch movies and get to hear stories directly from the people who experienced it. Meetings announced on Google Classroom.
Contact: Dave Babcock

HOSA is a unique program of leadership, development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for students enrolled in Health Science Programs. HOSA Mission: “The mission of HOSA is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science education students, therefore, helping the student meet the needs of the health care community.”
Contact: Morgan Vandenlangenberg

International Club
International Club is a group that learns about other cultures, through food, games, crafts, and guest speakers. Our club members share ramen noodles with Japanese students from Lawrence University, have a gingerbread man decorating contest, and make crepes for Mardi Gras. We also welcome exchange students to West and learn about the cultures of our international students.
Contact: Ms. Bruner

A club in which students get together listen to, talk about, and overall have fun enjoying Korean popular music and culture
Contact: Ben Klingberg

Key Club
Vision: We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. Mission: An international, student-led organization providing its members with opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop leadership.
Advisor: Jessica Lindsay
Kiwanis Advisor: Mike Hipple

Latino Club
Contact: Sandra Garcia

Math Team
Attend whenever you can! The meets are a lot of fun. We usually stop somewhere on the way to eat. We meet on Wednesdays during Flex in room 121. Meets are usually the first Monday of each month
Contact: Kaelynn Disch

Mock Trial 
Mock Trial is an activity that runs from late October - February. A case is designed by the Wisconsin State Bar that students will play either witnesses or lawyers on one side of the case. Students work together to develop their direct and cross-examination questions so they can compete against other teams at the regional competition. Meetings are Wednesdays 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Contact: Steph Gorges

Native American Student Organization (NASO)
The Native Student organization will increase cultural representation for Native students, create a sense of belonging within the school community, and create a community among the Native students. Additionally, this club will provide cultural enrichment and education to the staff and students—Native and non-Native—in the AASD.
Advisor: Shelby Siebers 

Patterns of Stardust
PATTERNS OF STARDUST has been Appleton High School's Literary Magazine since 1918. It is an organization for those who are interested in writing and editing for publication. Meetings are held after school on Tuesdays in Room 246 starting in the second semester.
Contact: Katherine Kinzenbaw

Terror Crew
Terror Crew is a district program that unites upperclassmen with freshman throughout the school year focusing on study habits, getting involved and being a successful and respectful member of the school and community. Two days of training in the summer, Freshman Orientation in August, and then weekly training during the school year during Flextime and weekly lessons in the Freshman seminars. We also hold social events throughout the school year such as a fall dance and cocoa and cram for semester finals.  
Contact: Rebecca Whittle, Erin Tiede, Parker Rudie, Alyssa Westphal, Angie Bruner

Podcast Club
Creating podcasts can help students organize and communicate; they will build key writing and speaking skills while also learning recording, editing, and publishing skills. In addition, the club will focus on telling stories about West students, so it  will create and support positive school culture.
Contact: Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs. Lichttengger

Rights for All (RFA)
Advisors: Cassandra Lichttenegger & Moriah Hunt

Science Team
The Science Team has two competitions a year. The National Science Bowl is a competition that covers all science topics and math. The Lake Sturgeon Bowl focuses on oceanography. Practices are usually once a week and run from October to April. Tuesdays after school.
Contact: Steve FranklinAnnette Schwalenberg

Ski Club
Ski Club welcomes all students who ski or board and any student who wants to learn. Our goal is to have fun experiencing a lifelong healthy activity while enjoying the camaraderie of others on the trips. Meeting times vary, view the current calendar on the website
Contact: Bill RaudabaughGayle Beuthien

Sources of Strength at Appleton West
Sources of Strength is a strength-based, comprehensive wellness program that focuses on suicide prevention but impacts other issues such as substance abuse and violence. The program is based on a relational connections model that uses teams of Peer Leaders mentored by Adult Advisors to change peer social norms about help seeking and encourages students to individually assess and develop strengths in their life. Sources of Strength is most often implemented as a school-based program in middle school, high school, or college. However, Sources of Strength is also often used in community, faith-based, and cultural settings. It promotes and focuses on connectivity, school bonding, peer-adult partnerships, and help seeking behaviors.
Contacts: Christy deBoer 

Student Council
The mission of the Appleton West High School Council is to build responsible leaders within our school community and promote the values that represent good character in all students. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month in Room 361 during Flex.
Contact: Mark Cross

TAG (Tabletop D&D, Anime & Game) Club 
Our club provides an opportunity for students who love games, D&D, and Anime to gather once a week to watch, socialize, discuss, and play. We don’t focus on any one particular style or method. Members of the club bring their own consoles, cards, board games, and DVDs to share, so we can have a different experience every meeting. All West students from all backgrounds are encouraged to join us. We do schedule some special events during the year, and host an end of the year picnic for all members and their families and friends. We meet first Monday of every month after school from 3:45-5:00 in room 211.
Contact: Nathan Ossmann

"The Talisman" is Appleton West's student newspaper. We are always looking for talented students who are interested in journalism to join our staff--we need writers, critics, photographers, sports reporters, and graphic designers to help continue an eighty-plus-year-long tradition of student journalism here at West! We meet after school Tuesdays in room 211.
Contact: Nathan Ossmann
The Clarion is one of the longest-running activities in the school, as West’s first yearbook was published over 100 years ago when it was Appleton Senior High School. The yearbook staff works hard to produce an award-winning book each year, highlighting all West students as well as the clubs, music groups, plays, athletic teams, and academic events that are a part of every school year.
Contact: Erin TiedeRebecca WhittleMike Buchholz, Photographer

VEX Robotics Club
Contact: Loren Daane

Young Americans
A group that promotes traditional values, free enterprise, and individual freedom. The club is aligned with the Young America's Foundation.
Contact: Autumn Meyers

West Theatre Productions
Gives students the opportunity to participate in two productions per school year.  A Fall play and a Spring musical. Students can audition to be part of the cast, play in the pit for the musical or join a crew to build the set, costumes, stage help, etc.
Contact: Kreston PeckhamRebecca Whittle